The ARG Charter outlines the role of the ARG within the NCAR Ladder-Track Appointments Process and the relationship between the ARG and the NCAR Director. The Charter also defines the process for adoption and amendment of the Charter.
The rules of conduct and internal governance for the ARG including the roles and responsibilities of ARG officers, members, and committee members, election of officers, selection of members, quorums, voting, and the process for adoption and amendment of the Bylaws.
The specific rules and procedures by which the ARG conducts its activities. (The process for adoption and amendment of the Standing Rules is given in the ARG Bylaws).
The rules describing the Ladder-Track level III and senior level nomination process, Directorate roles and procedures, the annual appointment review cycle calendar, solicitation of referee letters, communication with the Board of Trustees and final appointment procedures.
Ladder Track Appointment Policy and Procedures »
Ladder Track Appointment Review Calendar »
Nomination Requirements and Guidance »
New nominators contact Konnie Phillips to request an account.
ARG Members and Investigative Committee members login with your CIT password.